When I joined WorldwideUSA in May 2021, it was already questionable, and no-one knew. Not even Carolina knew what was going to happen. When looking back now, having some foresight, and the circles we have gone in since, it seems as if it was some trap. Ever since we have dealt with them, we have had problems. It’s why we left them and started OTBA in September 2021.
Carolina has been attacked enough. Why is she the target? Ask yourself that? Why is she the target? The Themis report is laughable. Thanks for the free advertisement, Kristin. Do you find it interesting that the author Kristin Elizabeth; you really can’t find much about her? Are they gov intel plants? Who is Kristin Elizabeth?
Why does everyone flip on Carolina? You know why? Because she is effective! She calls out bullshit as she sees it and she is not a grifter. That’s why I have stuck with her. If I thought she was full of crap, there would be no way I would have stuck it out this long and put up with so much. She is the real deal my friends.
It is not easy to describe the levels of craziness that happened with WorldwideUSA. It was a situation of having to be strong and open-minded to cope with the challenges and surprises that awaited you and adjusting to whatever popped up. I will do my best to guide you through some of the events that happened.
The two main leaders were Harry and Gina, both of which did not live in the United States. At the time, as far as we knew, both lived overseas, in Europe to be exact. Harry lived in Germany, while Gina lived in the UK. To be honest we didn’t know much about either of them beyond that.
I had joined one of the state groups and had just joined Telegram and figuring out my way around. Along the way, I stumbled into the WorldwideUSA, likely through another group or channel’s post that had been shared. It looked interesting so I joined. At one point they had an event coming up and needed help creating graphics of which I happened to have decades of experience with so why not help out?
Well, that opened the door.
The leader of the state group I was in somehow disappeared one day. When I came back, she wasn’t there and when I asked about her, they didn’t have an explanation.
What was actually happening and what we would find out later…
What was actually happening and what we would find out later is that if leaders or admins of these groups would question anything or want ownership of their groups, it would become a problem for Harry and Gina. The leader would then be blackballed and banned from the group. But, here’s the thing, the entire group would be deleted, scraped of the users, the new group would be cloned, recreated, and put back together in a matter of minutes. I’ll explain this again further below.
We were shown how to do this at one point by Harry.
HARRY & GINA – WorldwideUSA vs Worldwide Demonstration Movement
Harry & Gina claimed WorldwideUSA (WWUSA) was part of Worldwide Demonstration (WWD). That in fact is NOT the case.
HARRY (Telegram Handle: @Harry1984)
Germany - German citizen
Lives off Gov. Could have Autism/Asperger’s; is incredibly detailed
Is Gina’s minion
GINA (Telegram Handle: @Nacho_Gina)
Lives in the UK/ Supposedly American
Is who is behind WWUSA
In August/September 2021, it was confirmed by Worldwide Demonstration that Harry & Gina had contacted them to try and join them prior multiple times; they were weird and pushy about it. They attempted their sham in Canada as well w the same story and failed. Keep in mind Canada in most areas are still on 3G vs U.S. in 4 & 5G. DRAMATIC difference. Could this factor into why they failed in Canada? Could be.
WWD rejected them. Said they are too pushy and very strange about everything they did. We would have to agree. We are not sure what their deal was. Strange red flags that we would mentally note and keep an eye out for became increasingly common to the point of discussion of incidents.
When many of us were participating in the dates set by Worldwide Demonstration, we would send our event information to one of the leaders and get no response.
Security Coordination for Events
WWUSA had a secret group just for security coordination that Carolina set up. We work with all types of people that believe in the Constitution. These types of groups do consist of mostly retired police and retired military. Gina demanded to have access to this group, add the Rosebot (found on Telegram) and know too much information; Carolina refused. She felt that the group should be untouched and private and doesn’t need to have a bunch of people in there stirring things up that doesn’t need to be, let alone know identities.
We are VERY protective of our members’ privacy and their data.
Carolina felt that leaders in each State should have ownership of their own State Groups/Channels. Harry & Gina did not agree. If any questions arose from the leaders of these States; they were banned in their own State and banned through the network they created in the Rosebot, known as a Federation. We don’t trust the Rosebot as there is a LOT you can do through it, like collecting data.
The only goal with any of these Telegram bots in someone’s group should be ONLY to control spammers, scammers and relevant offenses that would also be handled on any platform. Outside of that censoring people was not the goal for us. This became an issue with Harry & Gina as well. Harry & Gina felt that anything Trump was NOT to be discussed and anything outside of 1 campaign was not allowed. Additionally, if someone was holding a rally, they were particular about what people couldn’t wear, or what types of flags/signs they couldn’t bring. We did not agree.
Many red flags started to appear. Demands for information became more frequent and both Harry & Gina seemed different and stressed in their voices heard in different recordings that Harry sent to Carolina to show how much of a tyrant Gina could be. The tone became almost threatening. Hmm, should we publish those too?
In July 2021, many States were ramping up for an event and I had sent over a notice to one of the Leaders of the Worldwide Demonstration Movement. This is the response received…..
Questions of Harry came up & controlled opposition (listen to audio above from WWD). Even at that time it had been confirmed that Harry was NOT part of Worldwide Demonstration on more than one occasion.
Worldwide Demonstration would NOT cross-promote or even work with us because of Harry & Gina.
Whatever was happening with those two, something seemed different. Of course, your mind stirs the deeper end of questions; Who are these two really? Why did WWD reject them? Why are they so demanding lately? Are they Gov intel? We weren’t sure and if you dared to ask anything they didn’t like, you’d be cutoff without warning and then vilified across the network or within their individual State group or never mentioned again, to just vanish.
When Harry & Gina started deleting groups and recreating them, Carolina kept notes on how Harry was doing this, as well as keeping a list of those whom Harry & Gina banned and considered the ‘Blacklist’. She added them as contacts and kept in touch with EVERYONE because that’s what we do. We Unite people vs Divide them.
When contacting these users, the same stories began to emerge. The user would raise questions, then were shunned from the entire network. A recurring pattern took shape.
Then in August 2021 one night there were several of us in a private group, taking lessons from a guy named Nick that was more familiar with Rosebot and the commands, etc. Carolina had been working on a project outside of all of this to help people navigate their own healthcare referrals based on their need and was considering adding the Rosebot; before we understood how bad it really was. Nick showed us how this bot works, and the different commands used to change directories, ban people, unban and so on. It wasn’t anything deep in code; it was a basic & crude understanding of what is possible with Rosebot.
Within a couple of days both Harry & Gina started messing up the groups purposely after several of the State admins requested ownership of their groups. We were ignored and then attacked if they (Harry & Gina) bothered to respond at all. If you had conversations with Harry or Gina individually, they attempted to delete their conversations with you if you didn’t ban them immediately and back up the conversation. Some of us were able to save our conversations, others weren’t. If you were not able to save your private conversations on Telegram before the other user has a chance to delete the conversation for both of you, you would find the conversation suddenly gone.
They started sending out messages across the network vilifying Carolina and accusing her of sabotaging the bot.
Here’s the thing; Carolina never had access to any of the main controls of Rosebot programming. That has always been Harry. She only had admin access to each group which does not enable the same permissions with the security bot.
Any group that she had ownership of was due to the fact the groups were just recreated after Harry barked orders to recreate and taught Carolina how to do this. Harry would delete whatever group > contact Carolina to recreate > Harry scraped (copied the member list) the prior group users to import into the new group as if nothing ever happened, except that now the State Leader has suddenly vanished. If anyone raised questions about the leader suddenly vanishing, the question was ignored, or some excuse made up and new leaders would emerge, and the cycle would continue. Why not just ban the user vs going through such a process?
That being said, a few of us started talking about these red flags a few days before Harry & Gina decided to banish her from the WorldwideUSA Federation and then proceed to vilify Carolina across the board.
If you questioned Gina or Harry on the matter, you were seen as oppressive and part of Carolina’s regime.
You just cannot write this bullshit.
More to come.